Building a website with Astro (design workflow)

About the technical side of the website renewal.

2025-03-04 #webdev#design#workflow
Web design with Excalidraw.

In the last article, I explained why I renewed this website. In this article, I’m going to talk about the technical side of the renewal.

1. Deciding a website objective and choosing development tools

First, I set an objective for the new website to not blur the future direction. I also thought about the criteria for choosing the right tools.

Then, I chose the following tools to create a new website:

  1. Preparation tools
  2. Development tools
  3. Image creation tools

2. Preparation

Getting inspired and informed

Since improving my web design/development knowledge and skills was one of my objectives, I started the production by gathering screenshots of multiple websites for inspiration and analysis.

I took notes on:

Also, I checked some YouTube videos for a better understanding of good web design.

Learning Astro with a step-by-step tutorial

Although I’m used to using HUGO (a static website generator) and Vue.JS, Astro was still a new website generator that I had to learn from the basics. To get the maximum effect from learning, for me, following a step-by-step tutorial was very helpful. (Bonus: I could use this sample website as a reusable template.)

3. Designing

1. Concept

I wanted to make the new website

2. Rough sketching

The design process always starts with rough sketching. I used Excalidraw (and pen and paper) for this, and sketched structures of these pages:

And, considered color schemes and font combinations, too.

  @font-face {
    font-family: 'heading';
    src: local("Futura"), local("Trebuchet MS"), local("ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN"), local("Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN"), local("游ゴシック"), local("YuGothic"), local("Yu Gothic"), local("メイリオ"), local("Meiryo"), local("MS ゴシック"), local("MS Gothic"), local("HiraKakuProN-W3");
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-display: swap;
  @font-face {
    font-family: 'reading';
    src: local("Andale Mono"), local("Consolas"), local("ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN"), local("Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN"), local("游ゴシック"), local("YuGothic"), local("Yu Gothic"), local("メイリオ"), local("Meiryo"), local("MS ゴシック"), local("MS Gothic"), local("HiraKakuProN-W3");
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-display: swap;

3. Figma (to test the actual look)

To test if the sketched design and color scheme actually work, and to finalize them, I made PC/mobile views for each page on Figma.

4. Code (Astro)

After deciding on the final look, I modified the sample website that I made by following a tutorial.

First, I added additional integrations:

Then, started by:

  1. Adding CSS variables (font family, colors, etc.) to global.css.
  2. Creating Astro components like header.astro, navigation.astro, and footer.astro for reusability.

Since I believe in reusable assets for effortless project production and less hassle website management, making the code reusable as much as possible was crucial. So, in this phase, I tried anticipating variables and components I would need as much as possible.

5. Deploy (GitHub → Cloudflare Pages)

After finishing coding, I deployed my website to Cloudflare Pages.

But, why Cloudflare Pages over Netlify which is recommended in the step-by-step tutorial? The reason is simple. Because (as of Feb 2025,) Cloudflare has much more data centers in Asia including Japan, while Netlify has a few. Speedy connection from anywhere is very important, especially when the website is image-heavy, and offers multiple languages from different parts of the world.

I took these steps to publish the website:

  1. Create a new GitHub repo.
  2. Sign-up to Cloudflare.
  3. Create a Cloudflare Pages project integrated with the GitHub repo, to automatically deploy the source code.
  4. Added a custom domain (

That’s it!